How to Easily Delete All Emails From Gmail Inbox at Once

It can be overwhelming when you open your Gmail inbox and see many useless emails. It can be spam, newsletters, or any other email. Luckily, Google provides a way to delete all emails from Gmail.

This guide will show you how to bulk delete all emails in Gmail and take control of your inbox. There’s only one thing that you need: access to Gmail from a desktop web browser.

Note: Before you delete everything in your Gmail inbox, check for any important emails lying around and forward them to some other email.

Bulk Delete All Emails From Gmail

Once you’ve made up your mind that you want to delete all Gmail messages, you can start the process of deleting your messages in Gmail. Furthermore, this process works with both Google Workspaces and standard Gmail accounts. Follow these simple instructions to bulk delete all messages from Google:

1. Open Gmail in your preferred web browser. Click Inbox on the left if not selected.

Select Inbox from the Gmail home page

2. Tick the Select checkbox on the top of your inbox to select all emails.

Tick the box to Select conversations in Gmail

3. Click the Select all X conversations in Inbox option, where X is the number of emails in your inbox.

Select all X conversations in Gmail option

4. Select the Trash/Delete icon to delete all your emails from the inbox.

Tap Delete or Trash icon to delete all emails from Gmail

5. Click More on the left and select Trash.

Click More and then Trash in Gmail sidebar

6. Select the Empty Trash now option to delete all emails from Gmail permanently.

Select the Empty Trash now option to delete all emails from Gmail in the Trash

Filter and Delete Certain Emails From Gmail

If you don’t want to delete all the emails from Gmail, like only the unread or read ones, or the ones with file attachments if you send large file attachments over Gmail, and more. Whatever the situation, you can filter out and delete only those emails. Follow these simple steps to filter out and delete all emails from Gmail, where we’ll be using the unread filter as an example:

1. Go to Gmail in your favorite web browser.

2. Type the filter in the search box at the top. In our case, it’s “is:unread” to show all the unread emails.

Search for your preferred filter for filtering out emails

3. Check the Select box to select all the unread emails in your inbox.

Tap the Select option to select emails in the first page of the filter results

4. Click the Select all conversations that match this search option to select all the unread emails in your inbox.

Click Select all emails that match this search option

5. Select the Trash or Delete icon to delete all the selected emails.

Select the trash icon to send filtered emails to the Trash in Gmail

6. Click More on the left sidebar and select Trash.

Click More and then Trash in Gmail sidebar

7. Select the Empty Trash now option to delete all the deleted emails permanently.

Select the Empty Trash now option to delete all emails from Gmail in the Trash

Bulk Delete All Emails From Gmail App on Android and iPhone.

If you use an Android phone or iPhone, you can’t delete all the emails in one go. However, you can select some emails in bulk and delete them. Here are the instructions to select multiple emails and delete them on your smartphone:

1. Open the Gmail app on your smartphone.

2. Tap the sender’s image on the left of an email or long-press the email to select it. Keep selecting all the emails that you want to delete in the same way.

3. Tap the Trash or Delete icon in the top right corner.

Delete all emails from Gmail app in iOS and Android

This is the only way to delete all emails from Gmail in bulk on your smartphone. However, it takes a lot of time to do so. So, it’s best to use Gmail’s website on a desktop to delete them quickly.

Delete All Gmail Messages Right Away

Deleting emails occasionally keeps your inbox clean and can take more than just time. Although, there are a few benefits after deleting your emails from Gmail: it saves storage space, and you don’t have to lurk around to find the correct email. So use the methods mentioned above to delete all emails from Gmail immediately. If you use Gmail regularly, try a few Chrome extensions to improve your productivity.

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