There are around 29000+ Anime for 10+ Million anime fans as of 2020. As avid anime fans, we can understand how hard it is to find free anime apps online. Fortunately, plenty of anime apps are out there to whet your appetite for Anime. You are in the right place if you wonder where to find free anime apps to watch or stream Anime. We have curated a list of some free anime apps for you. Here are the best free anime apps for Android and iOS.
Top Free Anime Apps for Android and iOS (2021)
1. Crunchyroll

If you are an anime fan, there’s no chance that you have never heard of Crunchyroll before. If you haven’t, no, you have, though. Crunchyroll is one of the best anime apps, with a massive collection of Anime. Being an American distributor of Anime, Crunchyroll has more than 50 million users worldwide.
If it’s your first time, you can use Crunchyroll for a 14-day trial period and decide whether you want to continue with a paid subscription or not. You get to access all the premium features like ad-free streaming, HD Plus streaming, and even streaming your favorite Anime episode after an hour of its release. Along with those, Crunchyroll also offers content for anime fans like news about upcoming Anime, artists, and a lot more. It is one of the best anime apps you can get. Netflix
Netflix might not be the choice of many in streaming Anime, but there’s no doubt that Netflix did expand over time. Netflix now includes popular anime titles like One Piece, Death Note, Naruto, Hunter X Hunter, and many more. Furthermore, as Netflix partners with Studio Ghibli and many others, the anime library will further.
Netflix provides a free 30-day trial to try the content before paying a subscription fee. Netflix is a good streaming platform for streaming anime and even other content like web series, dramas, etc. Netflix also allows you to download the Anime to stream them offline. But remember that the downloads will disappear after the trial disappears—it is one of the best apps for anime streaming.
3. Funimation
Funimation is yet another fantastic anime app that is available on both Android and iOS. The best part is that it’s completely free. However, there are a few catches here and there. You might have to cope with some ads then and now; unless you want to pay a monthly subscription fee to get rid of them.
Having subscribed to the monthly subscription, you can access some exclusive content and a few extra perks. Funimation is a big player in Anime distribution in the US. If you want to access some popular titles like Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, and many more, then it’s worth checking out Funimation. No doubt, it is one of the best anime apps out there. VRV
VRV is another anime streaming app on this list, which provides access to a plethora of Anime online. One feature that distinguishes VRV from other apps is its integration with numerous Anime platforms to offer tons of Anime content. It includes content from popular Anime platforms like HDIVE, Mondo, NickSplat, VRV Select, etc.
VRV offers streaming in 1080p with ads on top of them. Additionally, you get access to 20,000 hours of free content with regular updates. Furthermore, if you plan to avail of the Premium subscription, you eliminate ads and exclusive access content from all the platforms. VRV is available on Android, iOS, Web, Apple Devices, and many others. You should try this anime streaming app at least once. AnimeLab
AnimeLab is another anime streaming app that has a treasure trove of Anime. It has more than 750+ Anime in its catalog, including anime movies. Adding to the silver lining, you also get to request a title if it’s not available.
Being completely free is the icing on the cake as well. AnimeLab goes hand-in-hand with Japanese timings for airing anime simultaneously in Japan. But the only significant downside to AnimeLab is that it’s only available in Australia and New Zealand. You may still use a VPN to access AnimeLab. It is available on multiple platforms so that you can access it anywhere. If you live in Australia or New Zealand, look no further, and go for the AnimeLab app. Amazon Prime Video
You might not be aware that Amazon Prime Video houses a considerable amount of Anime in its catalog. Amazon Prime Video is a subscription-based platform that comes bundled with the Amazon prime package.
Much like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video also houses a significant number of Anime titles. Some known titles include Akira, Cowboy Bebop, Toradora!, and many others. If you have an Amazon Prime subscription, you can download these titles and access them anywhere you want. Amazon Prime Video is available on all major platforms, so you can download it wherever you want.[appbox googleplay]
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7. YouTube
If you want to watch Anime without registering on other sites mentioned above, your best bet would be YouTube. As you know, YouTube is one of the biggest video-content platforms on the internet. Consequently, it houses some anime shows as well in its catalog.
You can search for any anime you want and get it. Some popular titles include Death Note, Beyblade, Pokemon, and many more. YouTube comes with some ads here and there. But you can always get rid of them with a $12 YouTube Premium subscription. Moreover, YouTube is available on all platforms and is easy to access. RetroCrush
If you’re a classic anime fan, look no further and head over to RetroCrush. RetroCrush is one of the best streaming platforms for classic Anime. The app comes with a simplistic interface and is easy to use. You can enjoy all your 90’s classic anime titles here.
The best thing about RetroCrush is that you can ingress any anime on their website for free. The only minor catch is that RetroCrush would show some ads. These ads are not intrusive and won’t distract you much at all. It is available on Android and iOS, and there’s a web version, too, if you want to access it on desktops or other devices. Anime with These Best Anime Apps
We hope you liked these apps on this list. Although there are not many apps to stream anime, there is quite a handful. Most of them usually get banned right after being published on to the Play Store or App Store due to violating the license.
The anime culture is starting to blow up over time; thus, these apps might help you achieve your goal. Whether a free or a premium app on this list, it provides a great experience to stream anime. What was your favorite app on this list? If we missed out on any free anime apps, leave them in the comments below.