Skype was great for video conferencing in its own time. After the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, the Zoom app has replaced the spot of Skype. After Skype, the Zoom app has now conquered the charts of the Google Play Store in India. It is now the most downloaded app in India, which has crossed even WhatsApp, TikTok, and Instagram too.
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Why Zoom App Became The Most Downloaded App?
After the Coronovairus COVID-19 pandemic, people got forced to work from home due to the lockdown. As a result, working from home includes a lot of video conferencing. Skype and other video conferencing apps limit the number of members to 10. But Zoom’s basic plan allows you to video call up to 50 members at the same time. Thus, it tends to be the preferred app for professional workers. From IT employees to teachers, everyone is using the Zoom app for video calls.
As a consequence, Zoom has climbed to the top of the app charts on the Play Store with ease. Zoom app has over 100 million downloads on the Play Store as of now. In this process. TikTok has slipped to the 2nd place while Instagram and WhatsApp fell to 4th and 5th positions, respectively. These three apps remained on the top charts and were unbeatable for a while. But it looks like Zoom has overthrown their empire on the Play Store.
[appbox googleplay us.zoom.videomeetings]
Zoom did become one of the companies which hugely benefited from the ongoing pandemic. As the people working from home keep discovering, the Zoom app will be on top of the charts on Play Store. The iOS’ App Store charts were also taken over by the Zoom app.
Even though it came into the eyes of people recently, Zoom always had issues regarding privacy concerns. Lately, these issues got fixed over time, and the Founder of Zoom also clarified it with the press too. If you didn’t know about the Zoom app previously, you should give it a try. And yes, the quality is much better than Skype.
What do you think about Zoom? Let us know in the comments below.
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