The popular messaging application Telegram has just developed a new feature inspired by Reddit for its communication application. Telegram has introduced its new anti-spoiler feature, which lets you hide spoilers while the users are participating in the conversation.
The new anti-spoiler feature is a unique text formatting option to mark a specific message as a spoiler. This feature is still under development and not available to the public yet.
According to a Reddit user, Telegram tests a feature to hide spoilers. It allows you to hide sensitive text with ease, giving the recipients the choice to reveal or skip the message entirely based on the context of the message. Users will select text and mark it as a spoiler before sending it.
This will make the message appear in a blurred format until a recipient clicks on it to reveal its content. This message format is available in iOS as Apple’s Invisible Ink iMessage effect. Android users can also use this feature when Telegram rolls it out to the public.
According to a video by Android Police released on December 20, it gives a spoiler regarding the new change in the development. It provides a glimpse of the new anti-spoiler feature, and it shows that its functionality will be made available for group chats to avoid spoilers.
Users can reveal or skip the message as their choice. While sending a text message, users can long-press and select the text to bring up the formatting pop-up menu.
Users will find a new “Spoiler” option in this pop-up menu which upon selection will pixelate the text once you hit the send option on Telegram. The anti-spoiler feature is still under development but offers the same pixelated message view to hide spoilers, surprises, or potentially sensitive content.
The feature hides the information in the message from the recipients. It’s precisely unknown when the company will roll the update for all the users across the globe.