Xiaomi Responds To Collecting Private Data Allegations

Xiaomi has been in the news refuting its claims on collecting private data from the users. The Forbes story is making noise due to a cybersecurity researcher who affirms that Xiaomi tracks his every move and behavior. He also stated that much more data is also getting tracked and sent.

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Xiaomi Responds To Data Collection Allegations

The particular researcher was using Redmi Note 8, and he reported that the device is recording his browser history within the screened windows too. The researcher also claims that the device is also tracking it’s every other activity such as File Manager, News Feed, and even navigating through Settings menu options, etc.

Not only Redmi Note 8, but the researcher has also tested a few other Xiaomi devices, which were Mi 10,  Redmi K20, and Mi MIX 3 that also showed similar results of data tracking. He states that the data gets transferred to third-party servers based in Singapore and Russia, whereas the web domain is hosting from Beijing city in China.

Xiaomi Data Leak

Xiaomi responded to the story and stated that the data is collected with user consent, wholly anonymized, and only used for analytical purposes. They also claim that the data gets passed through servers compliant with local law and secured by third-party certified, industry-standard security practices.

The company defended itself, claiming that other manufacturers and companies also collect data, and it’s no different from them as well. They directly struck off all the claims from the researcher and his pieces of evidence on data collection.

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Even Manu Kumar Jain, CEO of Xiaomi India, has a posted video explaining and reasoning the use of the tracked data. Summarizing it, Xiaomi says that the sole use of data is for the improvement and customizations in software through user experience.

What are your thoughts on Xiaomi’s take on Data Collection Allegations? Comment Below. 

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