Xiaomi launched the Mi Band 5 in July of last year. The Xiaomi global event is scheduled for March 29 at 7:30 pm Beijing Time which is 5:00 pm IST for the audience in India. The company has now added another product to its upcoming worldwide event on 29th March. Xiaomi has announced the launch of Mi Band 6 on Twitter. The new smart band is scheduled to launch alongside the new smartphones – the Mi 11 Pro, the Mi 11 Ultra, and the new Mi Mix Flagship smartphones on March 29 in China.
Xiaomi has also released a launch teaser, although it didn’t reveal much about the Mi Band 6. Nevertheless, Xiaomi’s product marketing head released a video of the Mi Band 6 which revealed the wearable different colors and watch faces. According to the tweet, the Mi Band 6 features six different color options — black, blue, green, orange, yellow, and black.
Based on the leaks and speculations, the Mi Band 6 is expected to feature an NFC Chip, a 1.1 inch Screen, an In-Built GPS, Alexa Support, SpO2 monitor, and 19 exercise modes like Zumba, stepper, pilates, and many more.
It is expected that Mi Band 6 will receive multiple updates regarding sensors and fitness-tracking abilities. It is also expected to be featured with a blood oxygen level monitor system and 25+ sports and fitness tracking features.
A leaked image of the smart band also reveals the Mi Band 6 design will be identical to its predecessor, the Mi Band 5; and will also feature a magnetic charging cable on the smart band. Moreover, the Mi Band 6 will be featuring a Pomodoro Timer which will let you control your smart home devices that use the Mi Home platform; however, this feature could be only limited to Chinese variants.
What do you think about the Mi Band 6? Are you excited about it? Let us know in the comments below.