Vivo has newly launched its new device, Vivo T1 5G. This Vivo T1 5G smartphone is now available in a Silky White color option. The Vivo T1 5G recently received a new color option called Silky White. For instance, Vivo initially launched the T1 5G in Starlight Black and Rainbow Fantasy colors. Here’s what we know about the new color variant.
This Vivo T1 5G was powered by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 695 Processor that utilizes the 6nm 5G production processor. Also, this process comes with an integrated CPU clock speed of up to 2.2 GHz, providing high-speed performance on this device.
Also, this device has additional features for video games. This mobile features an innovative turbo with five layers of liquid cooling technology that helps the device keep the temperature low while playing video games; this will offer an excellent experience.
This Vivo T1 5G has a massive 5000mAh powerful battery to keep your phone running without worrying about battery consumption. Also, an 18W Fast Charger cable will allow you to power up your battery. Moreover, this phone comes with reverse charging using an OTG cable to use your phone as a power bank.
Vivo T1 5G Silky White: Price & Availability
The specs of the smartphone remain the same. The new Silky White color variant refers to a shade of white. The new color also comes with a matte-like finish. The price remains the same at ₹15,990 for the 4GB RAM + 64GB storage variant.
Also, you can go for the upper variant, which is the 6GB RAM + 128GB storage variant, for INR 16,990. The upper-most 8GB RAM + 128GB storage variant costs ₹19,990. This Vivo T1 5G is available to purchase on Flipkart.
- 4GB+128GB for INR ₹15,990/-
- 6GB+128GB for INR ₹16,990/-
- 8GB+128GB for INR ₹19,990/-
This Vivo T1 5G smartphone comes with a 16.72 cm (6.58) FHD+ in-cell display. Also, this device comes with a 120Hz refresh rate to enjoy smooth vibrations while playing video games and watching videos on this smartphone. Also, you see a 50 MP primary camera with a powerful sensor so that you can capture a clear, sharp, and bright photo even during dimly-light conditions.