The outbreak of Coronavirus COVID-19 is growing at a large scale. To take safety measures for the COVID-19 pandemic, tech giants like Google, IBM, Microsoft, and Amazon established a partnership with the White House. A press conference was held today for Coronavirus (COVID-19) task force. President Donald Trump announced the news at the same meeting.
Tech Giants To Provide Resources for COVID-19
At the White House Coronavirus Task Force Press Conference, the US President announced the establishment of a new board to provide supercomputing resources for the COVID-19 outbreak. The members of this board include the White House, Department of Energy, and IBM. Additionally, there will be contributions from Amazon, Google, and Microsoft.
IBM announced that they’d be providing epidemiology, bioinformatics, and molecular modeling with 330 petaflops of computing power. IBM will be adding their efforts to provide access to high-computing resources whoever are in need. It is an essential factor considering the researches going on in various countries to find a cure for the COVID-19 pandemic.
How can supercomputers help us fight this virus? These high-performance computing systems allow researchers to run very large numbers of calculations in epidemiology, bioinformatics, and molecular modeling. These experiments would take years to complete if worked by hand, or months if handled on slower, traditional computing platforms.
– Dario Gil, IBM’s Director of Research
Regarding the same, Amazon Web Services has already provided $20 million in support of research for COVID-19. Microsoft, on the other hand, has made sure that the businesses to cope up with the crisis. Google added that they’d be reducing the processing time for massive data sets.
The US Government, along with these private companies, will make a lot of difference with their additional resources. Google, Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, NASA are already taking part in this initiative. We hope the COVID-19 pandemic comes to an end as soon as possible.
Stay indoors, wash your hands at regular intervals, cough onto elbows, and finally, keep a safe distance from everyone.
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