iOS 14 May Arrive With Widgets and New Wallpaper Settings

WWDC is where Apple’s software updates get announced. Due to the ongoing pandemic, it’s going to take place online this year. As a part of the event, we’ll be seeing iOS 14—the latest version of the iOS. We’re excited to see what iOS 14 has to offer yet.

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iOS 14 Might Arrive With Widgets and New Wallpaper Settings

Earlier, 9to5Mac reported the possibility of the new settings panel, found in the code. After the report, a Twitter user, @DongleBookPro, shared some screenshots of the newly redesigned wallpaper settings. The Twitter user spotted the code to enable this on the iOS 14 beta.

The screenshots show the wallpapers organized in their categories. From the screenshot, we were able to see “Classic Stripes” for now. But 9to5Mac says, they also found the code for categories like “Earth & Moon” and “Flowers.”

Alongside this, we’re also receiving reports regarding a widget screen. As per the leaks, 9to5Mac points to the same thing. If you look at the embedded tweet, you’ll notice two panels—one showing the wallpaper, while the other showing a plain background color based on the chosen wallpaper. They might look like Apple is working on folding displays, but they aren’t.

Besides, it might be Apple’s approach to make the home screen less clumsy with widgets. The Home Screen Appearance option on iOS 14 provides the user with the ability to choose his wallpaper as a simple color background, smart gradient, or any preferred wallpaper.

Looking at the features already, we can say that iOS 14 is going to be an exciting update. Although it might look like iOS is borrowing elements from Android, but remember Android also acquired quite a lot of features from iOS previously. We’ll get to know more about the iOS 14 update in June during WWDC.

What do you think about these features on iOS? Are you excited for iOS 14? Let us know in the comments below.
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